Lake Winnipeg Foundation’s Spring Newsletter

Lake Winnipeg Foundation’s Spring Newsletter is now available online.  In this special issue of the Watershed Observer, they’re diving into the Lake Winnipeg Community-Based Monitoring Network (LWCBMN), LWF’s long-term phosphorus monitoring program and other issues facing Lake Winnipeg.

Check out the Watershed Observer.



LBRA AGM: 3 Howell Ave at 10:00 am on Saturday, July 25, 2020.

The Annual Meeting of the Loni Beach Residents Association Incorporated (the LBRA) will be held at 3 Howell Ave, Gimli, Manitoba, at 10:00 am on Saturday, July 25, 2020.

The new location is due to COVID restrictions.

Please bring a lawn chair, your own beverage, and practice social distancing.


LBRA AGM New Horizons at 10:30 am on Saturday, July 27, 2019.

The Annual Meeting of the Loni Beach Residents Association Incorporated (the LBRA) will be held at the Gimli New Horizons Activity Centre, 17 North Colonization Road, Gimli, Manitoba, at 10:30 am on Saturday, July 27, 2019.

The new Loni Beach bags will be available for pick-up and also for purchase. They are $20.00.

New President and Board for LBRA

The LBRA is happy to announce our new Board for 2018-2019!

President Jude Guzzi, Vice-President Kimberley Krahn,Treasurer Cheryl Hahlweg (RonCheryl Hahlweg), Secretary Martha Blouw, Director of Communications Brennan Childs and Directors-at-Large Carol Klein and Greg Carlson (c/o Alison Fyfe-Carlson)

Amended Constitution is now available.

The amended constitution is now available on the documents/newsletters page.

LBRA AGM New Horizons at 10:00 am on Saturday, July 14, 2018.

Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Loni Beach Residents Association Incorporated (the LBRA) will be held at the Gimli New Horizons Activity Centre, 17 North Colonization Road, Gimli, Manitoba, at 10:00 am on Saturday, July 14, 2018.

LBRA Notice of Annual General Meeting 2018

“Loni Beach: A Gimli Heritage Neighbourhood” Booklet

Gimli Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee Special Project: The Booklet Loni Beach A Gimli Heritage Neighbourhood

“The Loni Beach neighbourhood has an important history, and very distinct physical qualities that make it notable
within the Municipality of Gimli. It has special heritage values, which are increasingly coming under pressure from development and the addition of modern amenities and resources.
This booklet is intended to provide property owners and local government with a useful tool. The detailed description and definition of the heritage character of Loni Beach can be used to inform evaluations of how any proposed changes might affect or threaten the integrity of the unique and fragile heritage qualities of this historic Gimli neighbourhood. Careful evaluation and planning can accommodate required changes to historic resources without compromising their integrity. It is also hoped that the information provided will encourage a genuine appreciation of this built heritage environment and create a willing heritage conservation ethic within the community”

Loni Beach SoS: “Statement of Significance” 2007

Gimli Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee: “Because of recent development pressures in the Loni Beach Cottage Neighbourhood, the Committee has undertaken to produce a Statement of Significance for the neighbourhood. ” (2007) Special Places Loni Beach Cottage Neighbourhood Statement of Significance